a) Statistics for Pharmaceutical Analysis.
Analytical Problems. (Types of error, random and systematic errors in classical analysis. Mean and standard deviation. Confidence limits of the mean). Significance tests (Comparison of an experimental mean with a known value. Paired t-test. F-test for the comparison of standard deviation. Analysis of variance). Errors in instrumental analysis – regression and correlation. (Calibration curves in instrumental analysis. Errors in the slope and intercept of the regression line. Calculation of a concentration. Limits of detection. The method of standard addition).
b) Derivative Spectrophotometry.
Development of the derivative method. Theoretical considerations (Peak-peak method. Peak-tangent method. Peak zero method. Peak-peak ratio method. Differentiation-integration method. Partial least squares method. Filtering smoothing and averaging).
c) Chromatography
Chomatographic theory. Bonded phase chromatography. Liquid-Liquid chromatography. High Performance Liquid chromatography. (Essential features. Column packing, characteristics. The partitioning phases. Other separation variables. Applications). Liquid-solid chromatography. Ion-exchange chromatography. Ion pair chromatography. Size-exclusion chromatography.Gradient Elution and related procedures.
d) Mass Spectrometry.
Basic principles. Instrumentation of mass spectroscopy. Isotope abundance. The molecular analysis of mixtures. Mass spectroscopy problems.
e) Flame emission and atomic absorption spectroscopy.
Introduction. Emission and absorption in flames. Atomization and Ionization. Flames. Burners and nebulizers. Nonflame atomization. Radiation sources and optical systems. Quantitative analysis. Typical applications.
f) FT- Raman Spectroscopy
Basic principles.
ECTS: 10
Ώρες Διδασκαλίας: 3
Εξάμηνο: 2
Περιγραφή Μαθήματος κατά ΜΟΔΙΠ: http://qa.auth.gr/en/class/1/180005403
a) Statistics for Pharmaceutical Analysis.
Analytical Problems. (Types of error, random and systematic errors in classical analysis. Mean and standard deviation. Confidence limits of the mean). Significance tests (Comparison of an experimental mean with a known value. Paired t-test. F-test for the comparison of standard deviation. Analysis of variance). Errors in instrumental analysis – regression and correlation. (Calibration curves in instrumental analysis. Errors in the slope and intercept of the regression line. Calculation of a concentration. Limits of detection. The method of standard addition).
b) Derivative Spectrophotometry.
Development of the derivative method. Theoretical considerations (Peak-peak method. Peak-tangent method. Peak zero method. Peak-peak ratio method. Differentiation-integration method. Partial least squares method. Filtering smoothing and averaging).
c) Chromatography
Chomatographic theory. Bonded phase chromatography. Liquid-Liquid chromatography. High Performance Liquid chromatography. (Essential features. Column packing, characteristics. The partitioning phases. Other separation variables. Applications). Liquid-solid chromatography. Ion-exchange chromatography. Ion pair chromatography. Size-exclusion chromatography.Gradient Elution and related procedures.
d) Mass Spectrometry.
Basic principles. Instrumentation of mass spectroscopy. Isotope abundance. The molecular analysis of mixtures. Mass spectroscopy problems.
e) Flame emission and atomic absorption spectroscopy.
Introduction. Emission and absorption in flames. Atomization and Ionization. Flames. Burners and nebulizers. Nonflame atomization. Radiation sources and optical systems. Quantitative analysis. Typical applications.
f) FT- Raman Spectroscopy
Basic principles.
ECTS: 10
Hours: 3
Semester: 2
Description MODIP: http://qa.auth.gr/en/class/1/180005403